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December 21, 2021
The Surprise Science of Gift Wrapping

They say appearances can be deceiving. In the case of gift giving, they might be right. Consumers in the U.S. spend billions of dollars a year on wrapping gifts, in most cases to make their presents look as good as possible. This includes money spent on paper, boxes, ribbon and pretty bows. While some people […]

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December 14, 2021
Which Way is Your Household GDP Trending?

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a number followed closely by Wall Street and economists, to determine the overall economic health of our country. This macroeconomic data is most useful when viewed through your own filters. Have you considered calculating your household’s GDP to determine your economic health?

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December 7, 2021
Christmas Shopping Lessons for Investors

There’s a generational cycle that is both fascinating and important to understand as an investor. Find out why it’s important to ask yourself, “Is that investment an innovation or an improvement on an existing product?” It could explain why today’s business environment seems flush with billionaires younger than 30. It’s also helpful when you’re deciding to invest in the right new product – Facebook and not MySpace for instance.

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November 30, 2021
How to Help Aging Parents

Preparing for the potential decline of financial capacity to manage your finances in your own best interest, is as important as planning for long-term-care expenses or keeping your estate plan up to date. This article gives practical steps to prepare and plan ahead.

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November 23, 2021
Carving Up Your Portfolio & Thanksgiving Pie

Diversification and Asset Allocation are important financial strategies that may bring many ideas and concepts to mind that aren’t necessarily how these tools are defined in a healthy portfolio. Here are some tips on how to examine your assets and have a more balanced portfolio pie.

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November 9, 2021
A Business "Will" Can Go a Long Way

Essential for sole proprietorships and partnerships, a business will is a comprehensive estate planning tool that can include everything from management plans, and other documents necessary to a company’s continued operation and future health, to shareholder buy-sell agreements. Preparations made ahead of time will bring a smooth transition for the business you’ve worked so hard to build.

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November 2, 2021
Do You Have FOMO When it Comes to Investing?

Fear-of-Missing-Out is a very real emotion – but it can derail your portfolio. It’s a phenomenon that affects many aspects of our daily lives and it’s far more prevalent than you think. This article outlines some pitfalls of combining FOMO and your investments. It also suggests a strategy for your best chance to achieve long-term investment success.

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October 27, 2021
Rules for Charitable Giving are Always Changing

There are many tax tactics to keep in mind for preparing next year’s return. Starting well in advance of the tax filing deadline is simply a prudent thing to do. But rules for charitable giving are confusing and you must be careful before entering that deduction. Here’s some things to think about regarding Charitable Giving: recent changes made by IRS, sorting through the maze of IRS rules and knowing who you can make donations to.

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October 13, 2021
Advanced Philanthropy: Private Foundations

For many affluent individuals, occasional gifts to a favorite charity may satisfy their charitable inclinations, often with the added incentive of a substantial tax deduction, along with various estate planning benefits. There is also a far more serious side to philanthropy that is ideal for managing a large, continuous charitable giving program. How much do you know about private foundations?

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October 7, 2021
Charitable Ideas for What to Do With Your Money

Giving away some of your money is a great way to support the people and organizations you love. But there are smart ways to do it, minimizing your taxes and avoiding pitfalls along the way. This article is full of useful information. Learn from the great givers and let your advisor be your sounding board.

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