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July 1, 2023
Investing in Your Vacation

Taking a vacation is an investment in your own well-being, in your career, and in the company you work for. Are vacations a priority to you or do you avoid this important investment? This article takes a look at some of the reasons for skipping vacations, as well as the benefit you might not have considered.

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June 16, 2023
America's Changing Vision of Retirement

The concept of retirement in America is changing.  Traditional retirement is based on the assumption that it is designed to be a time to enjoy life by not working. There are other considerations that many retirement-aged people are discovering. Have you considered your personal goals and resources to define your unique vision of retirement?

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June 9, 2023
Five Questions to Ask as You Consider Retiring

Normal retirement age used to be 65, but things are different today. So how do you know when you’re mentally and financially ready for it? There are many things to consider before making this great change in your life. Here are five questions to help you examine your own unique circumstances to find out how, when and if you should retire.

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May 20, 2023
Becoming a Better Negotiator

Whether closing a sale, haggling over a price with a supplier, or discussing a raise with an employee – business owners negotiate nearly every day. Whether you are a beginner or a confident negotiator, these strategies can help you maximize your negotiating skills and improve your chances of building your business.

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May 12, 2023
The Advantages and Challenges of Hybrid Work

The COVID-19 pandemic caused many businesses to adjust and pivot by adopting remote work arrangements. As the world emerges from drastic pandemic measures, there is a growing interest in hybrid work, which combines remote work with in-office work. There are many advantages of hybrid work, along with just as many challenges. With the right planning and strategy, it can be a win-win for everyone.

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May 11, 2023
Planning the Life Stages of Your Business

Do you know the important considerations and opportunities at the various life stages of your business? Of course every business owner committed to success starts with an idea, works hard to make it happen, and then believes in the potential for great things. Often overlooked in the excitement of business startup, success also needs a plan to manage your business for growth.

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May 2, 2023
Practical Tips to Starting a New Business

Building and sustaining a business is not a task for the faint of heart. Setbacks come, whether they’re from circumstances within or from downturns in the market that are completely out of your control. There are simple steps you can take to help you bounce back quickly from challenging situations.

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April 20, 2023
Saving for College? Know Your Options

The cost of a college education can be daunting and there are many options to consider. It’s never too early to begin a funding plan for your child’s college education. As always, it’s the disciplined approach that emphasizes consistency with your overall goals and objectives that will bring the greatest success towards accumulating the necessary amount of money.

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April 11, 2023
Tips to Shape Up Your Long Game

If you start a fitness program to stay in shape then drop out, you never give yourself a chance to become physically fit. It’s much the same with fiscal conditioning. It’s important to stick to a regular program of sound financial practices to achieve fiscal fitness and the financial independence that goes with it. A plan will help you reach your goals, in the long-run.

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April 11, 2023
Are Good Grades the Key to College Admissions?

While it may be true that your child needs to be a good student to compete for admission to a college or university, did you know there are steps you can take to increase their odds for being accepted? Another big consideration is how your child can prepare for the long-term success of their higher education experience.

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