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January 5, 2023
Starting the New Year Off on the Right Foot

Today, unlike previous generations, there is an extensive array of financial information that steadily flows from the news media and the Internet. Almost instantaneously, you can review your own finances, ascertain your progress, and make necessary adjustments. However, do all these signs of progress really make managing your finances any easier?

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January 1, 2023
Time to Consider Your New Year Resolutions

The New Year is a great time to make a commitment to get your finances in order. With proper planning and appropriate guidance, your resolution to make your finances a priority can begin to build financial stability to prepare you for the uncertainties of tomorrow. The New Year is offering you a fresh beginning.

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December 26, 2022
Prepare for Long Term Care this New Year

What’s your New Year’s resolution? It’s typically a great time to reflect on changes you want or need to make in your life. Although it’s not easy to think about the possibility of your own failing health or that of someone you love, avoiding the topic isn’t the answer. It’s important to have a long term care plan in place, before you need it, to preserve your family’s assets and have more long term care options.

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December 8, 2022
The ABC's of Estate Planning

There is a common misconception that estate planning is something only the affluent need to do before they die. However, estate planning is important for everyone so that a court doesn’t end up making decisions about your assets and your heirs for you. By taking these steps now, you can help insure that your intentions will be followed and that provisions will be made for your loved ones when you are gone.

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December 6, 2022
Tips to Control Frenzied Holiday Shopping

Making gift decisions while you’re shopping in a store can lead to overextending yourself. It’s called impulse buying, which often ends up costing money and spending time you just don’t have. This article gives you tips on how to take an organized approach to holiday shopping and actually enjoy it while staying within a reasonable budget.

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November 18, 2022
Impossible to Predict a Market Bottom

Recapping Mid-August to Mid-November, our Strong Valley advisor team talks about how this has been a rough year for just about everyone, with a recap of worst starts for bonds and stocks, along with a review of what happened with home and used car prices. The team discusses inflation and the Federal Reserve Rate – where it’s been and indications of where it might go. The top 3 questions from clients are answered regarding FTX, a possible 2023 Recession, and ideas on timing to buy when you have cash on hand. We wrap up with predictions on inflation and the rate hike in the coming year.

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November 15, 2022
Saving for Retirement through 403(b) Plans

One of the simplest options for nonprofits wishing to provide employees with access to a tax-advantaged retirement plan is the 403(b) arrangement, which can be attractive due to tax laws. Over the years, the tax laws have been amended to bring 403(b) plan features more into line with those of 401(k) plans, but this article discusses important differences that remain.

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November 7, 2022
Buchanan Wrestling Annual Golf Tournament

Supporting local community is important to us. As an organization, we get involved as volunteers and also with donations. Read about how Strong Valley is helping support the Buchanan High School Wrestling Team.

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November 4, 2022
A Welcome Market Rally

October was the welcome reversal of a difficult September. Strong Valley team members, Adam and Chris, recap the month of October and talk about key factors that caused the Market to rally, plus a discussion on the silver lining to rising rates.

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October 31, 2022
Living Beyond Your Means

Living beyond your means won’t bring happiness or satisfaction. It’s a common problem in our culture because we are bombarded by endless advertising encouraging consumption. Even financially successful people struggle with a sense of scarcity. If you feel that no matter how much money you earn is never enough, how do you make a plan? This article gives tips on how to face your financial fears.

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