Articles View: business owners

September 11, 2022
Keeping Sight of Personal Priorities

Many business owners become so engrossed in company operations they inadvertently neglect their personal finances and their own personal priorities and goals. This article explains ways that you can develop strategies with your financial advisor that will help strengthen your personal finances, which can change over time with the growth of your company.

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January 11, 2022
Are You on Firm Financial Footing, "Personally" Speaking?

Your personal finances matter, even though you may be busily focused on your business plan. Juggling the responsibilities of your business and your personal affairs is a challenging task. However, it’s important to take some time out of your busy schedule to review your personal plan to help keep your personal finances on firm ground. Here are some suggestions that may help.

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September 28, 2021
Adapting to Changing Economic Times

When business is booming, wasteful practices may abound, but are seldom addressed by business owners in the rush to get the product out or job done. Yet, when business slows, the time is there to take stock of operations, formulate new strategies, and find innovative resources to help improve the efficiency and economy of your business. Here are some issues to consider.

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January 4, 2020

The SECURE Act has wide-reaching impact The “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Security Act”, or SECURE Act, was signed into law on December 20th, after passing with bipartisan support (97% of the house, and 71% of the senate).  Whether you are an employee with a 401(k) or a small business owner providing retirement benefit […]

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December 6, 2019
End of Year Planning Activities

This end-of-year planning article covers multiple topics, such as why donating securities may be better than cash for both the receiver and the donor. We also cover some ideas for both employees and employers that can reduce 2019 taxes and set the stage for years to come.

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