Articles View: Monthly Market Matters

February 1, 2024
A Sigh of Relief in the Market
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October 31, 2023
Historic Dips in Bonds

Along with an October recap, team members Adam Tirapelle and Jason Rankin explain what’s happening with down bond returns and the history with bond returns using data going back to 1928. They also clarify drawdowns and the feeling they evoke, along with Housing, Cash Concerns and the effects of Global Events on the Market.

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October 1, 2023
Making Sense of Sticky Inflation Effects

Strong Valley team members Adam and Chris give a recap of September along with a discussion about how interest rates are being affected by Sticky Inflation. They also touch on the housing market, college values, and an update on the Secure Act 2.0 details that could affect your RMD.

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July 31, 2023
Time to Shop Your Cash plus GDP Surprises

In this review of July, Strong Valley team members Jason and Kyle talk about how important it is to shop your cash now that the rates make it worthwhile. They also discuss several surprises in the GDP and Housing Market, along with forecasts for rate hikes and the long predicted recession.

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May 1, 2023
Inflation Steadily on the Decline

In this recap of March, Strong Valley team members Chris Conner, Kyle Trippel and Jason Rankin discuss the larger context of the recent bank failures; how dramatic rate increases played a part and how the market reacted. Could interest rate cuts be on the horizon? They also delve into the newly enacted Secure Act 2.0, touching some of the high points affecting retirement vehicles.

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March 31, 2023
The Journey of Interest Rate Hikes

In this recap of March, Strong Valley team members Chris Conner, Kyle Trippel and Jason Rankin discuss the larger context of the recent bank failures; how dramatic rate increases played a part and how the market reacted. Could interest rate cuts be on the horizon? They also delve into the newly enacted Secure Act 2.0, touching some of the high points affecting retirement vehicles.

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January 31, 2023
Key Events that Drove Markets

In this January recap, Strong Valley team members Adam Tirapelle and Kyle Trippel discuss the events and the corresponding data that gives insight into what the market is reacting to. Also included is a preview of what might happen in February and a closer look at the Fed Funds. Is there a silver lining?

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January 4, 2023
Finally, A 2022 Wrap-Up

It’s been a rough year and there’s no way to sugarcoat it. Strong Valley team members Jason and Kyle give a quick look at what happened overall, who it hurt most, and what could happen next by looking at historical examples. They also discuss the stats and how our feelings may not paint a true picture.

Here are some of the topics we cover in this brief 2022 update:
• 2023 performance recap
• Federal Rate Hikes
• Inflation

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November 4, 2022
A Welcome Market Rally

October was the welcome reversal of a difficult September. Strong Valley team members, Adam and Chris, recap the month of October and talk about key factors that caused the Market to rally, plus a discussion on the silver lining to rising rates.

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October 5, 2022
Finding Opportunities in Times Like Now

September 2022 was a “not so fun” month for the general market with the impact of Fed decisions and plans on target interest rates. With the market changes there are still positives and opportunities for those with money to invest. Strong Valley team members, Jason and Chris, recap the month of September and discuss what clients should be looking for in the months ahead.

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