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Articles View: Personal Finances

July 1, 2023
Travel Tips that Save

You might love to travel because of the opportunities for new experiences and adventures. Being an educated consumer means you may get more mileage out of your travel dollars. Here are 4 money-saving tips that are worth looking into so that you can enjoy your vacation whether it’s this summer or any time of year.

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July 1, 2023
Investing in Your Vacation

Taking a vacation is an investment in your own well-being, in your career, and in the company you work for. Are vacations a priority to you or do you avoid this important investment? This article takes a look at some of the reasons for skipping vacations, as well as the benefit you might not have considered.

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April 20, 2023
Saving for College? Know Your Options

The cost of a college education can be daunting and there are many options to consider. It’s never too early to begin a funding plan for your child’s college education. As always, it’s the disciplined approach that emphasizes consistency with your overall goals and objectives that will bring the greatest success towards accumulating the necessary amount of money.

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April 5, 2023
Planning for Your Financial Future

Money plays an important role at every turn your life takes. There are ways to develop good financial habits now so you can be prepared for the different strategies that certain events require in the future. And the good part is, you can start from wherever you are currently, to make decisions that will go a long way towards achieving your financial goals.

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March 21, 2023
Deciding Between Wants and Needs

Are you looking for power and control over your own budget? One of the hardest things to do in life is realizing when a want is not a need. Not only is the choice subjective, it is often difficult to fit into simple categories. But in the long run, it’s the secret to sustaining yourself from day to day in building a budget that balances your needs with your wants and puts you in a better position to reach your financial goals.

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March 12, 2023
Becoming a Financially Savvy Single Parent

Providing for your family, on your own, doesn’t have to feel like a never-ending cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. Even though there are challenges with the work involved in earning a living and care for children, your finances can be managed with very careful planning and even allow you to save for the future.

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March 6, 2023
6 Ways a Budget Can Help You Gain Control

Does the “Case of the Missing Money” sound like a popular mystery in your household? So often small purchases add up into bigger chunks of money that seem to disappear without an explanation. There is a way to gain more control of your personal finances. With these 6 simple action points you can get a handle on your income and expenses, so that you can build your savings and prepare for unexpected emergencies or large purchases or even a recession.

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January 31, 2023
How to Keep Your Financial Accounts & Assets Neatly Organized

Don’t let disorganization become one of your biggest money problems. Having information on your accounts and assets organized, updated and shared helps with those unexpected interruptions in life that we all experience. It will be well worth the effort you put in today - for you and the people you love.

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January 11, 2022
Are You on Firm Financial Footing, "Personally" Speaking?

Your personal finances matter, even though you may be busily focused on your business plan. Juggling the responsibilities of your business and your personal affairs is a challenging task. However, it’s important to take some time out of your busy schedule to review your personal plan to help keep your personal finances on firm ground. Here are some suggestions that may help.

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