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Podcast Highlight - Predictions from the Team

After a run of unpredictable circumstances since the beginning of the year, the Team agrees that despite their daily study of the market, it’s very difficult to make financial forecasts. With that in mind, they each give their predictions on Fed Funds Rates, housing, and market corrections in the coming quarter.

Enjoy this highlight clip from the Strong Valley Mid-Quarter Roundtable discussion. If you have questions for the Strong Valley team, check out and use the Contact form to submit your questions.

You can stay up-to-date with the quarterly updates by following us at, or by subscribing to the Strong Valley podcast on iTunes.

August 31, 2023
Important Disclosure: Content on our website and in our newsletters is for informational purposes only. The information provided may (or may not) directly apply to your situation. We recommend that readers work directly with a professional advisor when making decisions in the context of their specific situation.

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