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October 5, 2021
What Happens if the Debt Ceiling is Not Raised?

The latest mess out of Washington is the fight to increase the federal debt ceiling. If this isn’t resolved, some fear catastrophe for the markets. Long-term financial success dictates that we learn to manage headline generated waves in the market and recognize which ones truly matter and which ones are just ripples under our boat. There’s info in this article that explains the concerns and might help you relax.

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September 28, 2021
Adapting to Changing Economic Times

When business is booming, wasteful practices may abound, but are seldom addressed by business owners in the rush to get the product out or job done. Yet, when business slows, the time is there to take stock of operations, formulate new strategies, and find innovative resources to help improve the efficiency and economy of your business. Here are some issues to consider.

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September 13, 2021
Was 9/11 This Generation's Pearl Harbor?

There are chilling similarities between Pearl Harbor and 9/11 – but fundamental differences too. Which event will have a lasting effect on our future? What meaning and significance from these two catastrophic attacks will have a greater impact on America?

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September 8, 2021
Hurricane Ida Reminds Us to Ask if it's Covered

When was the last time you actually read your homeowner’s policy? Standard coverage may not cover what you assume it would. You might consider options to add to your policy, such as endorsements and riders. This article gives three nuggets to keep in mind about homeowner insurance.

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August 31, 2021
Boost Your Retirement Plan with IRAs and 401(k)s

Early planning puts time on your side. Whether retirement is around the corner or decades away, there are more options than ever to help you plan for it. Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs and 401(k) Plans are a few popular financial vehicles which offer tax benefits. This article gives a brief summary of these options that can help you save for your future.

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August 18, 2021
Is Your Retirement-Ship Stuck in the Suez Canal?

Do you aspire to retirement goals that are so big you feel stuck? You might be able to relate to one of the largest container ships in the world that was stuck in the Suez Canal, costing $15 million a day in lost revenues. Here’s a basic list of must-dos for 40 and 50 year old captains to help unstick your Retirement-Ship so that you might see smoother sailing.

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August 10, 2021
Four Common 401(k) Mistakes to Avoid

When you choose your investments, you want to get the most you can out of your 401(k) by allocating your money towards high returns and a balanced portfolio. While there is no one-size fits all, avoiding these four mistakes is a good start for your 401(k) plan.

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August 3, 2021
Inflation Varies According to Your Age & Spending

What will inflation be in the coming years? The headline Consumer Price Index is important only as a general gauge. It may not accurately reflect your individual inflation rate. This article looks at some inflation components for you to consider, to get a better picture of your unique personal inflation rate based on your age and spending habits.

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July 27, 2021
President Biden’s Proposal and Your Healthcare

Will the proposed policies of the Biden Administration have a negative or positive impact on your healthcare? Remember that healthcare is like retirement planning – it’s very personal. This article examines a few of those policies that will likely impact healthcare in general.

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July 16, 2021
Summer Heat Means More Boating Days

On bright and sunny summer days, the allure of the water can be irresistible. But before you set sail, take some time to consider whether you and your passengers meet the required safety standards and are prepared for any unforeseen events. This article covers the basics of boat owners insurance.

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