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Articles View: Video

May 26, 2022
Investments in Volatile Times

In this Mid-Quarter Roundtable Adam, Chris, Jason, and Kyle recap where we are at for 2022 so far, including inflation data, lower stocks, and lower bonds with rising interest rates. The team wraps up with where they see things going by the end of the year(-ish).  Along the way, they address common questions clients are asking right now.

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September 26, 2020
Immediate and Long-term Economic Outlook with special guest Strider Elass

The Strong Valley Advisor Team along with special guest Strider Elass will be giving broad insights on the economy. We discuss how the COVID recovery, exorbitant national debt, and the current political climate, may impact the economy in the immediate and distant future. Strider is a Senior Economist and is part of the First Trust Economics Team that Bloomberg has ranked as one of the top forecasters of the U.S. economy over the past several years.

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April 4, 2020
Video: The Coronavirus Contraction

The major flu in 1957-1958 killed many people and had an impact on the stock market much like today. This video provides some data and insight as to why the market impact from COVID-19 may be temporary and short-lived.

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January 5, 2020
Video: Solve It – Preparing for Change

The old model of simple diversification using US Stocks and Bonds may need to be expanded into a more diversified approach. Strong Valley takes each client situation into account and implements more complex strategies and models where applicable.

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